

MLK once said, "I have a dream, that one day in the Red Hills of Georgia sons of former slaves and and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood". Inspired by this vision, we started a monthly worship gathering for the Thomasville community called “Red Hills Worship”. Red Hills Worship exists to create a place for people to unify around the presence of Jesus, on earth as it is in heaven. We believe that worship is a great unifier for churches, races, and families. As we behold the beauty of Jesus, the walls that we build that separate us from one another and from God Himself will crumble in the presence of His great love. Jesus' great desire and prayer in John 17 was for His people to be one. We believe that Thomasville is a city set on a hill for the nations to see what true unity looks like. For more information and a list of upcoming Red Hills Worship gathering events, Click Here.



One of the most effective ways in which we have promoted unity among Christians is through our service initiative, Project Backyard. Since we begin doing monthly service projects in September 2012, we have hosted more than 97 service projects events, over 530 service projects, and had more than 2,500 volunteers serve with us to show the love of Jesus to those in need in their own community. Project Backyard exists to create awareness for local needs and provide consistent opportunities for Christian believers to unite together through serving those in need in their own backyard. Our hope is to encourage and inspire Christians of all denominations, races, and ages to join together in a united effort to serve others in the community where they live. For more information on Project Backyard, Click Here.



From the very beginning, One Heartbeat, Inc. has been committed to hosting events that point to Jesus, provide opportunities for believers to be encouraged in their faith, and for unbelievers to hear the truth of the gospel. One of the ways in which we accomplish this is through Christian music concerts. We believe music can be a powerful tool for uniting Christians in worship and for impacting lives for the gospel. For this reason, we have sponsored and hosted 14 concert tours in Thomasville in partnership with Next Level Productions, Inc. over the last 10 years, and we plan to continue bringing some of the top Christian talent to our local community each year.